The other progress includes - the left side fender is back on the car - the left side parking brake cable is installed, I've ordered Koni Red shocks for the rear and the clutch is adjusted. I prepped the right side of the car for under fender paint and started working on the passenger's side door. But that's where I stopped. I then took a VW break and installed the new horns in the Volvo (success!) and broke the headlamp washer door in the process - they're made from the world's cheapest plastic because they break VERY easily. I knew I should have bought both of them two years ago...oh well, one step closer, I suppose. I'll have to get the little door thing on order with Volvo on Tuesday since the part number on the part seems to have been superseded and the new part number is a closely held secret.
I'll wrap up the inner fender paint and the passenger's side door over the next couple of days - along with the right side fender going back on the car (and perhaps the bumper!). Once I can get the parking brakes are worked out, the floor mat can go back into the car (the rear half). When the brakes are successfully bled, the front floor mat piece can go in the car as well. Then the seats and holy shit, it'll look like a car again. Just in time for snow, probably.
That reminds me...I wonder where those axles are that I ordered from Sway A Way several weeks (actually, a couple of months) ago...they were on backorder but I figured they'd show up by now. Axles and CVs are something I definitely don't want to do twice. If the back order isn't filled soon - I'll probably have to order EMPI axles and hope they don't suck.
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