I ordered up the parts I think I'm going to need to finish up the two open items on the 'to do' list so that I can drive car more than four blocks.
Most of it should arrive before the weekend, although I'm not sure I'll have a lot of time to get it done this weekend due to other plans cemented several moons earlier. I'm pretty sure I'll have the muffler situation worked out and the gear oil in the transmission will be filled. The brakes are the only open item on the list...and they're what I'd consider a 'big' item since they have to be dialed in before the car goes anywhere.
I made the mistake of buying a part from a seller with whom I've had at least one previous disappointing experience. I figured that experience may have been a 'one off' and to give them another shot. Turns out, my gut instinct was correct...and I wound up with another disappointing part. Lesson learned. Time to move forward.
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