Another four hours of work and the subframe went from the floor to the car. Ran into additional hardware issues where the book specifies one length but it doesn't fit during the assembly/installation process.
I think the new hardware has thicker washers. I ran to the local hardware store and bought something that's close enough to get it installed.
I've ordered the proper hardware online and they should arrive ~ Wednesday. I've got plenty of other small tasks to work on until that stuff shows up.
The dust boots for the axles and the shift linkage are all that remains of the subframe install job. I'm not really looking forward to the linkage access plate replacement job - it's a super tight space and leverage is near non-existent. Dust boots will go on after I've installed the rear brakes and hubs in a couple of days. Tomorrow is an 'off' day so it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday before I get to it.
Removed the rear portion of the rubber floor mat to get a better view of the floor pan and to improve access to the front subframe support nut. These floors are pretty much shot - not a whole lot holding them in place.
I think I've figured out a way to get the electric fuel pump connected with the safety switch without a bunch of extra nonsense. I have all of the hose, clamps and connectors I'll need on order as well - nothing of quality available around here, unfortunately.
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